Hey Girl of the Month

Abbey Ray

Meet our Hey Girl of the Month for May!

How do you live your life as a Hey Girl?

Remembering everyday I have been created in the image of God! I know there is wonderful success in simply belonging to my Creator! I want to share with the world about our amazing Father who longs for us to know Him!

Who were you made to be?

I was made to be a daughter of the Most High King! To honor and serve Him daily and share the Good News with everyone around! I was made for the purpose of bringing glory to the Lord!

How did you find your worth in Jesus?

I have found my worth in Jesus by knowing I am created by a perfect King! I may not be perfect or get it right every day, but I know that no matter what that Christ loves me! I know when I mess up that through the Blood of Jesus Christ I have been forgiven! This is what keeps me going every day! I know that I can find my worth in Jesus because He sees me with worth! 

What message of encouragement or Bible verse would you like to share with the rest of Hey Girl Nation?

Psalm 125:2, “Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy.”

Keep an eye out on our socials for the next round of nominations!